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How to Show you are Telling the Truth in English#Yogendra

How to Show you are Telling the Truth in English

Sometimes, we want to emphasize or make it clear that we are telling the truth. There are a few ways that we can do this in English.

In this lesson, we will cover the most common ways and expressions that let us tell other people that we are telling the truth.

1. We can add the adverb "honestly" in a few different places of a sentence.
Honestly, I don't know who took your watch.
I honestly don't know where she went.
I didn't eat your cookie, honestly.
2. We can use the verbs "promise" or "swear". In these sentences, "swear" and "promise" have the same meaning.
I promise that I will pay you back.
I promised that I didn't touch your computer.
I swear that she didn't tell me anything.
I swear that I studied hard.
3. We can also use the expressions "to be honest" or "to tell you the truth" at the beginning of a sentence.
To be honest, I didn't like your mom's cooking.
To be honest, I thought the movie was boring.
To tell you the truth, I never exercise.
To tell you the truth, I don't really study English that much.
4. Here are a few other expressions that can be used.
Frankly, I don't like her.
Frankly speaking, I don't like her.
Speaking honestly, I don't like her.
Truthfully, I don't like her.


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